Clientele Selection for Small Contractors

For small contractors like Teklus (, one of the most important decisions they will make is deciding whether to focus on a selective #clientele or a broad clientele. Each approach has its advantages and disadvantages, and it is essential to consider these factors when determining the right strategy for a small contracting business.

Selective Clientele

A selective clientele approach is when a small contractor focuses on serving a specific type of customer. This type of contractor may specialize in a particular niche, such as residential remodeling or commercial electrical work. The pros and cons of this approach are as follows:


  1. More specialized skills and services: A selective clientele approach allows small contractors to specialize in a particular type of work, which means they can hone their skills and provide high-quality services that are tailored to their clients’ needs.
  2. Targeted marketing efforts: When a contractor knows exactly who their ideal clients are, they can create targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with those clients. This approach can result in a more efficient use of marketing resources and a higher return on investment.
  3. Easier to differentiate from competitors: By focusing on a specific type of work, a contractor can differentiate themselves from their competitors who offer a broader range of services. This differentiation can help the contractor stand out in a crowded marketplace.


  1. Limited customer base: By focusing on a specific type of client, a contractor may limit their customer base, which can make it challenging to sustain a business in the long term.
  2. Dependence on a particular industry: If the contractor’s target industry experiences a downturn, their business could be severely impacted.
  3. Potential for missed opportunities: By focusing on a specific type of work, a contractor may miss out on opportunities in other areas where they could excel.

Broad Clientele

A broad clientele approach is when a small contractor offers a broad range of services to a wide variety of customers. This approach may involve offering services in various industries or to different types of clients, such as commercial and residential customers. The pros and cons of this approach are as follows:


  1. Larger customer base: By offering a broad range of services, a contractor can attract a more extensive customer base, which can help them sustain their business in the long term.
  2. Reduced dependence on a particular industry: By offering services in various industries, a contractor can reduce their dependence on a particular industry and mitigate the risk of downturns.
  3. Greater opportunity for growth: A broad clientele approach allows a contractor to take advantage of opportunities in various areas, which can lead to more significant growth potential.


  1. Less specialized services: By offering a broad range of services, a contractor may not be able to provide the same level of specialization as a contractor who focuses on a specific type of work.
  2. More competition: With a broader clientele approach, a contractor may face more competition from other contractors who offer similar services.
  3. More significant marketing costs: To attract a broad clientele, a contractor may need to spend more on marketing to reach a larger audience, which can increase their overall costs.


Both a selective clientele and a broad clientele approach have their pros and cons. Ultimately, the decision should be based on the contractor’s business goals, skill set, and target audience. Small contractors should weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each approach and choose the one that aligns with their business vision and goals. Whatever approach a contractor chooses, it’s essential to continually assess the business’s performance and adjust the strategy as needed to ensure long-term success.