Design-Build vs Design-Bid-Build

Design-build and design bid & build are two different construction project delivery methods that contractors can use. These two approaches are often confused, but they are fundamentally different.


The design-build project delivery method is when the contractor is responsible for both the design and construction of the project. The contractor handles everything from the concept design to the completion of the project. Under this approach, the client deals with a single entity, the design-build contractor, who is responsible for both the design and construction aspects of the project.

The design-build approach is becoming increasingly popular as it offers numerous benefits to clients. One significant advantage of this approach is the efficiency of the project delivery process. Since the design and construction are handled by a single entity, the project can be completed much quicker. This approach also allows for better collaboration between the contractor and the client, which can result in a higher quality finished product. Furthermore, the design-build approach reduces the risk for the client, as the contractor is responsible for both the design and construction aspects of the project.

Design Bid & Build

The design bid & build approach is when the client hires an architect or engineer to develop the project design. After the design is complete, the client puts the project out for bid. Contractors submit bids, and the client selects the contractor with the lowest bid to construct the project. The design bid & build approach is the traditional method of project delivery and has been used for many years.

One significant advantage of the design bid & build approach is that it provides the client with a greater degree of control over the project. The client has the option to choose the architect or engineer they prefer and can control the design process. Additionally, the client can select the contractor based on their bid, which can help keep project costs low. This approach is also good for larger, more complex projects, where the design process can take a considerable amount of time.


The primary difference between the design-build and design bid & build approaches is the level of control the client has over the project. Under the design-build approach, the client has less control over the design process but has more control over the construction phase. The design-build approach is faster, as it removes the bidding process and allows for more streamlined communication between the contractor and the client.

In contrast, the design bid & build approach gives the client more control over the design process but less control over the construction phase. The bidding process can add considerable time to the project, but the client has the opportunity to choose the contractor based on their bid, which can help keep project costs down.

Another significant difference between the two approaches is the level of risk. Under the design-build approach, the contractor assumes most of the risk associated with the project. This approach provides a higher level of protection for the client. In contrast, under the design bid & build approach, the client assumes most of the risk associated with the project, as they must manage the design process and select the lowest bid to construct the project.


Both the design-build and design bid & build approaches have their advantages and disadvantages. The design-build approach is more efficient and provides better collaboration, while the design bid & build approach provides the client with greater control over the design process. The choice between the two approaches will depend on the client’s preferences, the project size and complexity, and the level of risk the client is willing to assume. Regardless of which approach is chosen, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the project goals and requirements to ensure a successful outcome.